Monday, December 19, 2005

Well, I'll be damned

I had heard a little bit about this a while ago but never bothered to look into it.

I think the article summed it up rather well at the end.

"If The Onion's parody has demonstrated anything, it's that we should be worrying about adults not being able to distinguish between fiction and reality. The kids themselves seem to have a pretty good grasp of it."

And as stupid as such a case may seem, I can at least understand it. There's enough shit that goes on in the world to make anyone who bothers to look at it clearly, and sometimes perhaps a little to closely, uneasy. Illegal sex trades, drug wars, corporate lobbying at the expense of the public good, enviromental degragration, etc. If you have any ounce of collective concern in your heart or head, which ever such a thing comes from (if not both), you tend to ask yourself why these things happen and in doing so, how they can be stopped.

Premise A leads to premise B, which added up with premise C, leads us to our conclusion. I do it everyday and most likely so do you whether you notice or not. The difference of course being that either you use well backed up qualitative and quantitative evidence to explain why you've arrived at your conclusion, or you use what your up bringing taught you was common sense. The problem with common sense being that morals, in some cases at least, don't make for the best premises to base conclusions on.

Finished my last test last wednesday. Final mark in french was on A- ; philosophy was a B; and I'm not sure how my International Relations test turned out, but I got my term paper back when I handed in the test and it seems I somehow managed to ace it. I've never had such enthusiastic comments about a peice of work I've done, ever. That felt nice, especially considering the shitty day I had had.

The paper was on the crisis of petro-politics (aka-peak oil) and the environment. I think I'll eventually end up posting it here but it'll be my research essay that I end up posting. The one I just wrote was my argumentative essay and I didn't have nearly enough room to fit everthing in that I wanted to (hell, I'll be lucky if I manage to even in the research essay). Anyways, I promise it'll be good when it's done since I've spent like the last year and 8 months reading the different opinions and potential problems that exist with the topic itself.

But back to the main topic here- yay for me and my marks! Cause I don't ever get marks higher than a B+, at least certinly not final marks or important papers.


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