Sunday, April 08, 2007


It's like a fire speading under the snow and even those of us who know about it can't be scared enough to move cause we don't know how close it is to us. It feels like a precipe; like something big is going to find us and it doesn't matter how much we run away or try to turn around and face it, the feeling is still going to remain. I wonder if this is what those living in the mid 1930's felt like most of the time as fasicm started to rise around the world.

Money, religion, atheism, love, hate, life, death, just being plain human- it all equals war eventually. Perhaps I'm off on this, but does anyone else find it ironic by doing the one thing which usually helps stave off conflict between peoples, which is keeping living standards high, we are going to cause conflict? It always was about balance wasn't it...too far either way and we lose it. It eaves me thinking too much emphasis is put on the soveriegnty of individuals and their right to choose their own collective destinies.

I want to be what I think of in my good moments. I want to be able to see a whirl wind of change fueled by outrage and incredualty at our own comfort. I want to be able to look myself in eye in the mirror and say my actions were equal to my talk and lately I can't say I've been able to do so.

This should be about should action, not reaction. It should be about later, and not just now. It should be about them, and not just us. It should be about morals, and not just the idea of them. It should be about neccesity, not conveniance.

If we can't get all of this, then there is little that can be said, despite the vastness of our minds, for this thing we call hope.


Oh, two other things I should note before I go:

-Plasma Pong and Mitch Hedberg.
