Friday, December 30, 2005

So I'm a little late, sue me.

Sweet heavens is War of the Worlds ever rank.

Rather large spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the movie or read the book

I'm not a movie buff really, but Speilberg manages to pull you into the movie like a dream. By focusing on just one family's plight, always running away from the action, it gives you a truer sense of what something like that might really be like.

I was gunna say something about the first scene where the tripod pops out and starts vaporizing everyone but this guy did it better than I would have:

Perhaps Spielberg's wisest choice in these scenes was to actually let the extras compliment the major actors, rather than just focusing on the recognizable faces. That is not to say that they are not almost always prominent, but it is awesome to see Cruise's reaction amongst about 150 other literally 'devolving' citizens. The panic and hysteria has taken over them all - they trample and kick and punch like nothing that I've ever seen. before.

For those who whined about the specifics and unbelievablitly of the movie- I understand your pain, but urge you to remove the stick from your butt. The movie wasn't about whether or not governments would have noticed huge machines buried deep in the earth or whether 15 people could really over power a huge mechanical arm. It was about pulling the audiance along with only Cruise and Dakota, in an attempt to make you think about how something like that would really be. And by focusing specifically on those 2 (for the most part anyways) and their reactions, as each encounter progresses (The van getting highjacked; Cruise's reaction to Tim Robbins going insane; and Dakota, when in the cage with all those other people, to name a few examples), it manages to do just that. I guess what I'm trying to say is it seemed to be more about emphasizing the specifics of human fraility (and keeping you really realy tense for that matter) than giving a smart story backup.

Albeit, the ending came a little too suddenly and there is no reason for the older kid to have still been alive in the end, it was still a great movie in my opinion.


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