Thursday, February 16, 2006

This last week has been a blur. I seem to be working myself into the dreaded, yet strangely needed position of not being comfortable unless I'm doing something productive. Given the rather unhealthy amounts of homework we're being given at this time of the year my body keeps urging me to lay down on the couch to watch tv. But whenever I do I get this horrible feeling of lowness, numbness and uselessness due to my past productiveness with things of matter, in both the personal and public fronts.

I suppose the only relaxing thing I've done this whole week was going to see the movie adaptation of Pride and Prejudice for extra homework marks in English. That was nice. Got a bag of popcorn and a Barq's Root beer and just vegged out for a little while.

Anyways, we're off to Mexico on Saturday morning. I'm was hoping to find somewhere quite to float around on a tube, while floating back and forth between unconsciousness and a mini bar. However, given that we're going to Puerta Valletta, and that it's reading week, the chances of our resort being quite and un-crowded enough for me to do so comfortably I'm guessing are pretty slim. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I have a problem with numerous numbers of the opposite sex wearing scantly clad articles of clothing, but I do have a problem with the types of people it attracts. Plus I haven't been feeling much like a people person in the last couple months and that never really helps matters in any situation.

But, we'll see how things go. It is Mexico after all and out of country trips haven't managed to disappoint me yet so...

Things to do in the end of February and March when I get back:

Finish second 1500 word essay on Pride and Prejudice, which I have not started yet.

Finish resolution(s) for our model UN team. (What on earth does Iran have or want to contribute on UN reform?)

Write article for the Bricklayer about the stupidity of the Alberta government and their energy plan.

Finish 4000 word IR paper on Peak Oil.

Go to town hall to see about renting out rec hall to show "The End of Suburbia" doc in hopes of getting enough public support in hopes starting up lobby group. (Not that I won't start it up anyways even if I don't recruit enough members. It's just that I'm sure things are a bit more productive the more people you can convince to join.)

Then there's always math. Class everyday at 9:00 in the morning with about 2 hours of homework per day if I want to stay on top of things.

I think I'm gunna go pack.


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