Sunday, April 02, 2006

The beast is here again; that’s nothing new I guess. It doesn’t speak and doesn’t allow me to either. That’s probably the most disconcerting thing since small talk usually lessens the discomfort while swelling the illusion of control. Since making cautionary glances in hopes of understanding what it is I’m up against doesn't work I abandon all pretense and just start staring. He stares right back. The funny thing is I doubt either of us knows why we’re there in the first place. Maybe that’s the point though, maybe we’re not supposed to know. Could be we’re just meant to make ourselves go insane by over thinking the matter.

Then again, what is control anyways? Free will? The lack of free will? People who believe they have none usually end up proving themselves correct and people who believe they do usually end up proving themselves wrong…well, at least in all those Greek myths. Greek play writes we’re amazing. Forget the global village and wire chained codes that make up our language conduits today. The Greeks had none of that and their stories still reached the far poles of the earth. They might have migrated slower than most things today, but in the end the meaning was their staying power, as it always should be.

But, I digress. What was I talking about? …Yes, control. Usually the best thing to do is forget about the whole mess in the first place and forget what powers this reality allows and negates you. Perhaps this is folly, but if something is not in your lexicon of language how can its meaning, for better or worse, affect you? Think of fear and imagine we don't have a word for it...

After all, a great deal of the social and political feats accomplished in the history of the world, whether they were monstrosities or social victories, were accomplished because the individuals who undertook them were:

A- Either insane and unaware of the odds they faced,


B- more concerned with being able to go to sleep at night than they were of facing the mountain of opposition waiting for them on the other side.

While convincing others certainly should be a goal in any cause, it shouldn't be the end sought by the means. The end sought should be the realization of whom it is you want to go to bed at night as.

Mountains create complacency; hills don't.


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9:05 PM  

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