Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Only Currency

You know, there is almost no one I know around my age (18-23), as a friend or even acquaintance, that has ended up with someone they love; and that makes me sad.

Machiavelli is a choice, one which becomes much easier with the multiplication of the above.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Faces of War

My cousin will be in Afgahnistan before this week is over...

Came across these earlier on in the morning; I'm not sure why I feel the need to post them but I do. The website claims they were after American and British air raids in Iraq. Regardless of your political affiliation, or your belief on the athenticity of the context, I would argue it would be very hard to say such choas during any times of war is over exagerated.

They're beyond graphic so don't say you weren't warned.

Images taken from

Oh, and the has a worthwhile entry from yesterday that's in the same vein.