Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Only Currency

You know, there is almost no one I know around my age (18-23), as a friend or even acquaintance, that has ended up with someone they love; and that makes me sad.

Machiavelli is a choice, one which becomes much easier with the multiplication of the above.


Blogger The Ben said...

You know, I'm beginning to think it's more our fault than anything that we are not with someone we love. Of course, it's nothing to be ashamed about. It's who we are. I'm not going to change for anyone, even the love of my life. Anyways, I'll see you wednesday for Open Mic. Peace Out G.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Daniel_v said...

That’s certainly possible, but my intention here was not to adjudicate blame to anyone. I’m not saying you were saying that either, but you did use the word “fault” in your post so just incase anyone is confused I would like to clarify that my post was nothing more an a-moral observation I felt like sharing.

Things happen as they do and people feel as they feel; nothing can be done about that seeing as the alternative would be little more than a plastic facade which of course would be a mockery of happiness. I would no sooner try to make a moral issue out of such a topic than I would the fact that people eat to survive.

I just find the abundance of examples that have been exposed to me in the past 2 months rather depressing is all and it got me thinking about what all of it means.

5:30 PM  

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